Air Pre-Heater

Air Pre-Heater

Air Pre-Heater

The Air Pre-Heater is a specialized product offered by Boilertech Systems Pvt Ltd that pre-heats air for various industrial applications. This product is designed to have high efficiency and a robust construction that makes it suitable for use in a wide range of industrial settings.

Key Features :
  • Energy Efficiency : Recovers heat from exhaust gases to pre-heat incoming air, enhancing overall system efficiency.
  • Fuel Savings : Reduces the amount of fuel needed by increasing the temperature of the air used for combustion.
  • Environmental Benefits : Helps in reducing emissions by ensuring more complete combustion of the fuel.
How It Works :
  • Heat Exchange : The air pre-heater transfers heat from the exhaust gases or other heat sources to the incoming combustion air.
  • Pre-Heating : The incoming air absorbs heat and increases in temperature.
  • Combustion : The pre-heated air enters the combustion chamber, leading to more efficient and effective burning of fuel.
  • Exhaust : The cooled exhaust gases exit the pre-heater, typically through a flue or stack.